Your adult height is primarily determined by your genetics, nutrition, and habits, among other factors. The human growth hormone makes you grow taller and is typically released while you sleep during your development years.
Since sleep is essential to your overall health, it makes sense to assume that a lack of sleep can lead to a height deficiency. However, the science is a bit more complicated than that.
Whether you’re curious about what factors contributed to your adult height or want to ensure your child develops as healthily as possible, you’ll find some interesting insights in this article as we delve deeper into this topic.
Can sleeping make you taller?
Studies have shown that being a tall adult has numerous benefits, including higher socioeconomic status, better health, success at work and school, and more.
It makes sense to want to ensure your child grows to the fullest height possible. Since the growth hormone is released while you sleep, having a quality night’s rest is essential to your health and development. However, research hasn’t shown a direct connection between sleep quality and your adult height.
“There may be abnormalities associated with sleep that can negatively impact growth, such as breathing or hormone disorders, but there is no evidence that the more sleep in a typically developing child, the taller they will grow,” says Natalie Barnett, PhD, vice president of clinical research at Nanit.
“There may be abnormalities associated with sleep that can negatively impact growth, such as breathing or hormone disorders, but there is no evidence that the more sleep in a typically developing child, the taller they will grow.”
Natalie Barnett, PhD, vice president of clinical research at Nanit
Can lack of sleep prevent you from growing?
Your growth happens the most during two essential periods: from conception through age 2 and before puberty. While a single night of lost sleep won’t impact your child’s growth, if they struggle with chronic insomnia, which frequently interrupts their sleep cycle, then it may affect the release of that hormone.
A 2018 study published in the Jornal de Pediatria reviewed the impact of sleep on childhood height and weight, showing a positive relation between shorter sleep duration and shorter stature. However, more studies are needed to make this connection.
The bottom line: “Genetics and nutrition are the main predictors of adult height,” says Barnett.
At what age do people grow taller?
- Infancy: This is one of the stages when the most height happens. During the first two years of life, children grow 7 to 10 inches. By age 2, they will have reached roughly half of their adult height.
- Childhood: Between the ages of 2 and 8, children grow at roughly the same rate of about 2.4 inches per year. Height tends to slow down right before puberty begins.
- Adolescence: This is the second stage of development when children gain the most height. Boys grow the most between 12 and 15, and girls reach their final height typically by the age of 15.
How to help your child sleep better for healthy growth
Although research doesn’t show extensive information on the connection between sleep and height, having a good night’s sleep is still essential for the health and well-being of your child.
Keep a few tips in mind to ensure your child sleeps better for healthy growth:
- Establish a consistent routine. Barnett advises beginning a consistent bedtime routine in infancy. “A consistent bedtime routine has been shown to help infants sleep better and longer,” she explains. Consider the five “B’s” of sleep, including bed, body massage, brushing teeth, book, and bottle (or breastfeeding) for infants.
- Create a dedicated space for sleeping. Leave out any electronics that can disrupt your child’s sleep or distract them. “Other activities (e.g., watching TV) can be done outside the sleeping space,” says Barnett.
- Limit drinks. Avoid drinks high in sugar, such as fruit juice, or caffeine, such as soda, before bedtime. These beverages can increase their bathroom frequency, interrupting their sleep.
Does sleep increase height?
Science doesn’t show a direct correlation between sleep quality and height. However, sleep is an essential factor in your growth since that’s the time of day when the growth hormone is released. So, while sleep doesn’t directly increase height, it’s still an integral part of your child’s development.
What helps you grow taller?
Nutrition and genetics are both major contributing factors to height. Studies have shown malnourished children are underdeveloped in both height and weight. Overall health is also a factor that can impact height.
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