How to Sleep After Getting Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Botulinum toxin injections, popular for reducing wrinkles, temporarily paralyze muscles. Post-treatment care advises against bending over or vigorous activities to prevent unintended migration of the toxin. While sleeping on your back is recommended, elevation and avoiding pressure on treated areas are crucial for optimal results and minimal bruising.

Botulinum toxins are anti-wrinkle injectables that temporarily block nerve signals to the muscles they’re injected into. This weakens or paralyzes the muscles for a few months.

When properly dosed and injected by a medical professional, these neurotoxins can smooth wrinkles caused by repeated muscle movements such as squinting, smiling, or frowning.

Botulinum toxin injections are quick outpatient procedures with no downtime. The whole appointment may last less than 15 minutes.

But it’s still important to follow established guidelines to avoid bruising or toxin migration to untreated muscles. And that applies to lying down and sleeping after receiving these injectables.

Here are a few things to consider about sleeping after botulinum toxin injections.

Is lying down after botulinum toxin injections bad for you?

“Lying down in and of itself is not a problem,” says Samir Undavia, MD, a surgeon at NJ ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery. “Bending over to pick something up or being upside down, we do not recommend.”

That has the potential to move the neurotoxin around into an unintended area, he says. In other words, a quick nap on your back is OK—especially if your head is elevated—but yoga class is a bad idea.

Still, some experts say it’s better to be safe than sorry. Erika Luren, nurse practitioner and owner of Parasol Aesthetics, Dermatology & Wellness, says that though recent neurotoxin advances have made gravitational spread less likely, she still tells her patients to remain upright for four hours post-injection.

Bottom line: Ask your provider about lying down after receiving botulinum toxin injections. Your healthcare professional can advise based on the dose, neurotoxin, and area injected.

How to sleep after getting botulinum toxin injections in your forehead

There are no set medical guidelines for how to sleep after getting forehead injections. However, there are some best practices to help prevent bruising or potential neurotoxin migration.

  • Try sleeping on your back. “To play it safe, it is best to avoid pressure on the toxin areas for 24-48 hours,” says Luren. “Don’t sleep on your face!”
  • Consider using an extra pillow. Though Undavia says lying flat is OK after neurotoxin injections, some practitioners recommend keeping your head elevated as an extra precaution against gravitational toxin migration. If you got injected within four hours of bedtime, consider sleeping with an extra pillow. If you get injected in the morning, then you should be safe to sleep normally.
  • Avoid touching your face. If you usually wash your face or do a facial massage before bed, change your skincare ritual the night after treatment. “Any significant pressure or massage can cause neurotoxin to migrate within the four hours post-placement,” Luren warns.
  • Skip your evening workout. Undavia tells his patients to avoid exercising for 24 hours after a botulinum toxin injection. Vigorous activity increases circulation and the risk of medication migration, he says.
  • Choose painkillers wisely. If you want to treat a post-injection headache or pain before bed, reach for acetaminophen instead of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Both Luren and Undavia say NSAIDs such as aspirin or ibuprofen can thin the blood, increasing your odds of post-injection bruising.


Can you sleep in any position after botulinum toxin injections?

You can sleep in any position that doesn’t put pressure on the injection site. To avoid touching the treated area, some medical professionals recommend sleeping on your back the night after cosmetic injections.

How long after you get botulinum toxin injections can you lay your head down?

Research has found that moving into a horizontal position doesn’t cause neurotoxin migration. While you can lie flat on your back immediately, you should avoid bending forward and causing the blood to rush to your face. Some injectors recommend keeping your head elevated for four hours post-injection as a precaution.

What should you not do after getting botulinum toxin injections in your forehead?

Luren offers several precautions after neurotoxin injections in the forehead:

  • To prevent neurotoxin migration under the skin, avoid vigorous exercise, bending over, and massaging or applying pressure to the face.
  • To prevent bacterial contamination, do not touch or apply makeup to the affected area for 24 hours post-injection.
  • To prevent post-injection bruising, avoid alcohol and NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and aspirin for 24 hours after treatment.

Want to upgrade your beauty routine? Here’s how to put together an evening skincare regimen for younger-looking skin.

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